For the first time, the Indigenous Community of Negeri Hatumete, Central Maluku Regency, held a Customary Assembly on January 31, 2025, to establish the boundaries of their customary territory. Guided by ancestral knowledge and participatory mapping developed in collaboration with EcoNusa Foundation, the community and representatives from neighboring villages agreed that Yalamata would be part of Hatumete, while Bukit Tane would be returned to Mosso, finalizing the customary territory at 1,436.48 hectares.
This agreement was formalized in a Statement of Agreement and concluded with the traditional betel nut chewing ceremony, symbolizing mutual recognition and commitment to the agreed boundaries. Beyond defining territorial limits, this moment also strengthened social ties between clans and relationships with neighboring villages, reinforcing a harmonious customary governance system.
Following the assembly, the Hatumete Indigenous Community and EcoNusa Foundation collaborated with the Central Maluku Regency Government to secure legal recognition of the customary territory. The government has committed to facilitating this process after the inauguration of the regional head, marking an important step in ensuring legal certainty and strengthening sustainable customary land governance.
Text: Rievki | Photos: Muhammad Yani Mau