
Documentation Process for Completing the Indigenous Community Profile and Forest Management in Sorong Selatan Regency

The recognition of customary territories has been officially issued for several clans and sub-tribes in Sorong Regency and Sorong Selatan Regency. The process of recognizing customary forests requires harmonious collaboration among indigenous communities, local governments, and the central government. In Sorong Selatan Regency, recognition has been granted to the Nakin Onim Fayas Sub-tribe (Kampung Mogatemin, Kampung Onimsefa) and the Tehit Mlaqya Sub-tribe (Kampung Tapiri, Kampung Wersar).

As a follow-up, Yayasan EcoNusa is assisting indigenous communities in proposing the Customary Forest Recognition Decree in accordance with Permen LHK No. 9/2021. This process involves field clarification and data collection for the Indigenous Community Profile, including history, assets, customary institutions, maps, and forest management plans. Recognizing customary forests is a crucial step in respecting and protecting the rights of indigenous communities over their land and natural resources. In addition to providing economic and social benefits, this recognition also opens opportunities for enhancing well-being through sustainable forest management in line with local wisdom. The process of recognizing customary forests requires harmonious collaboration among indigenous communities, local governments, and the central government.

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