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Defending Paradise

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The birds of paradise are living MIRACLES! Lets all protect them!

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These incredible animals have survived for thousands of years and it would be tragic to lose them due to destruction of their habitat.

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Agree Professor Salman Raza Senior Principal College Education Department Government of Sindh Province Pakistan Prof of Zoology World Renowned Zoologist and Entomologist 🇵🇰🎖🇵🇰🎖

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These birds are simply nature’s wonder and should be protected so our future generations can always have such beauty to admire and appreciate.

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H ari ini dan selamanya memberikan kita kehidupan U ntung-malang tergantung kita menjaganya T anpanya kita mati A ngkat tangan untuk segera beraksi N asib Hutan tergantung pada kita’

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Stay golden! We need these places intact, we’ve made too many mistakes already.

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I love bird of Paradise. The colors, the displays, the fascinating feathers- they are truly special birds. I am saddened to hear about habitat loss in their home ranges for

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For the future of Indonesia and our planet. You said it all, thanks !

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I’m lending my support to this conservation campaign because the rainforests of Papua new Guinea is one of the most unique ecosystems of the planet. The birds of paradise is

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Im give full support to keep safe this tropical rain forests paradise forever in tanah Papua,because most beautiful forest with thousands of birds I ever seen in my life..

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The land of birds of paradise is a planet’s sanctuary of biodiversity, wisdom of animal evolution, wonder and beauty. It is Nature at it’s best, we have to preserve this

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We simply must do everything we can to protect Papua and Maluku Rainforest and the incredible wildlife that calls it home. We owe it to these beautiful creatures to honour

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