A Youth Entrepreneurship Innovation Challenge in Social and Economy Sectors
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A Youth Entrepreneurship Innovation Challenge in Social and Economy Sectors
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About Econovation 2021

Top 15 Finalists

Yant Sorghum

Processing sorghum into several products such as sorghum flour, liquid sugar, sorghum rice, sorghum pop corn and cookies. Yanti, the founder, a middle-age women from Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, collaborates and assists 200 sorghum farmers in several villages in West Nusa Tenggara to improve the sorghum qualities that harvested from 50 Ha plants area. Yanti and her team not only producing healthy and nutritional products from local commodities in her area, also work with local communities to improve their livelihood and provide agricultural trainings as well as implementing zero-waste processing. Yant Sorghum sell their products locally in Lombok, through online channel (Instagram and Shopee) as well as through exhibitions.

Instagram Account: @yantsorghum

Amorina Farm

Amorina produces super food and beauty products made of blue-green algae spirulina with high nutrition which combine with natural and eco-friendly ingredients. Amorina use 3 types of spirulina (spirulina maxima, spirulina platensis and spirulina fusiformis) to produce Spirulina Dietary Supplement, Rice Crispy Seeds and Spirulina, Spirulina facial mask, Facial Cleanser, body soap, face oil and many more. Michelle, Founder of Amorina, collaborate with local spirulina cultivation house in Tabanan Bali, as well as with local beauty store (ELS Beauty) in Yogyakarta. Not only selling their products, Amorina also conduct workshop for their partners and mini-course of DIY beauty products.

Instagram Account: @amorinafarm

Shaany Collagen Drink

Shaany is a start-up that engaged in processing fish scale waste into collagen products. Currently Shaany is focusing on developing collagen drinks combined with fruit extracts. In the production process, Shaany empowers local farmers and housewives who come from unprivileged families. Shaany has 3 collagen drinks flavours: chocolate, taro and green tea. Shaany products have obtained halal certificate from MUI and BPOM certificate. Siti Nur Seha, CEO of Shaany Collagen Drink with her all-women team, sell their products locally in Probolinggo, as well as through online channels (social media) and through exhibitions.

Instagram Account: @shaany.id

Timor Moringa

Timor Moringa is a social entrepreneurship based on local food processing industry, namely organic Moringa Leaf from Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara by empowering 95% of Local Farmers into several derivative products such as Moringa Leaf Tea Bags, Moringa Leaf Chocolate, Packaged dried Moringa Leaf, Moringa Leaf Tea Bag + Red Ginger, Leaf Powder Moringa, etc. Timor Moringa products have obtained Branding certificate (sertifikat hak merek) and P-IRT from East Nusa Tenggara Local Health Office. Meybi Agnesya, Founder of Timor Moringa and her team sell their products through local partners in Kupang, through exhibitions as well as online channels (social media and e-commerce).

Instagram Account: @timor.moringa


Remparempa produces local Indonesian drink, jamu, with upgraded form of Jamu dip (jamu celup), Jamu powder, Jamu cube and Spice powder, that allow customers the experience to consume Indonesian Jamu with no hassle. Remparempa buy their ingredients from local farmers in West Java area and work with local women groups at production process. Fika, CEO of Remparempa promote their products through e-commerce, social media, local resellers and local shops in Bogor area.

Website: www.remparempa.com

Defuture Farmer

Defuture Farmer is agriculture technology company that build
Smart Farming in Urban Area and support communities of
Urban Farming to make them easier in daily operational and
marketing ecosystem. We create smart vertical indoor farming
with automatic cultivation with internet of things that helps
daily operations. Smart vertical indoor farming is a multilevel hydroponic
cultivation that is carried out indoors with an IOT system which
is made as a monitoring and automatic treatment for plants to
maintain temperature, humidity, light and nutrients until harvest. DeFuture Farmer also provides application for online agriculture store and information of store management.

Website: www.defuturefarmer.id

Rumah Rempah Noni

Rumah Rempah Noni produces Indonesian ginseng-based products (tongkat ali) into spices and raw materials of health products. Rumah Rempah Noni collaborate with local farmer in Kalimantan who also provides trainings for other farmers. Rumah Rempah Noni implemented B2B approach on their business with supplying raw materials to F&B and pharmacy manufactures, as well as B2C approach with supplying raw materials through online (social media, e-commerce) and offline (exhibition) channels.

Instagram: @rumahrempahnoni


Markherb is a SME that focuses on research and development of phytochemical products, where the main products are marker compounds, herbal plant simplicia, standardized extracts, and pharmaceutical raw materials. The company also provides services and laboratory analysis, consulting, and research and development of phytochemical-based products. One of MarkHerb top product called Flabio is a health supplement product made of honey, cassava plant-based ingredients and bioflavonoid.

Instagram: @markherbofficial

Culture Academy

Culture Academy Indonesia is an online-based platform that connects mentors in cultural fields and MSME players who need training to improve the quality of their products, and we connect MSME players with companies that are ready to buy MSME products. On their platform, Culture Academy platform provides educational contents through video tutorials, gamification, live teaching, group chat and marketplace specifically for cultural products.

Website: cultureacademyindonesia.com


Edubox was developed to support the Smart City concept initiated by Ridwan Kamil, who was then the Mayor of Bandung. The use of Edubox in schools, according to the Bandung City Education Office, has saved education funds of 11 billion. For schools that do not have a good internet network we have the Edubox Smart Router solution. A portable wireless device containing Edubox app, for learning process such as assignment upload, etc. Smart Router can be used in every class for easy access without having to have an internet network. EduBox routers have features where teachers and schools can carry out the learning process and assessment of student learning outcomes, such as the preparation of teaching materials, task management, attendance, making questions, implementation of exams, recap of test scores, recap of student scores and report printing. Students can access teaching materials, attendance, do assignments, do exams and complete challenges on Edubox Go.

Website: edubox.id

ALC Indonesia

At the end of 2011, ALC Indonesia started its journey with private lessons for junior and senior high schools. Since 2012 until now, ALC Indonesia has focused as a training institution for the National & International Science Olympiad. ALC Indonesia curriculum have generated 56 Gold, 94 Silver & 134 Bronze Medals. ALC Indonesia also provide B2B approach with schools, local education offices and corporations for science competition and preparation activities. During pandemic, ALC Indonesia expanded their service into online platform.

Website: alcindonesia.co.id

School-fess (Schfess)

School-fess (Schfess) is a a start-up that focuses on creating a social education platform where school students can use to discuss, share information, exchange notes, and find study partners. Currently Schfess is developing a super-app with more features to create content, forums, upload/download study material and event calendar.

Website: schfess.id


Komerce trains young people from villages in West Java, with skills in using e-commerce platforms. Furthermore, talent will be recorded in Komerce talent pool list and can be empowered by MSMEs who work with Komerce to optimize their online business. Until now, Komerce has 789 SMEs users, engaged with 600 youth from villages who got hired, working with 46 villages and trained around 1.300 youth in West Java.

Instagram: @komerceid


Yuvee is a start-up which produce sterilizer that utilizes UV-C rays to replace liquid disinfectants. Yuvee products are domestically produced and collaborate with local carpenters to provide the supporting box that enable its mobility. Yuvee.id products use high-quality UV-C lamps that able to sterilize rooms and wider areas. Yuvee.id also produce smaller sterilizer for cars and smaller areas or objects such as cellphones, wallets, and keys. During pandemic, Yuvee.id also provide sterilizing services that collaborate with local cleaning start-up in Bandung.

Instagram: @Yuvee.id


Kooyla is a start-up based in Bangka Belitung, that provide mental-health consultation services with psychologist and psychiatrist as well as psychology testing services for recruitment process and employee management. The consultation services include mentoring, counselling, talents & interest tests for college degree selection, mental-health online consultation and pre-marital consultation. Currently Kooyla provide services to 12 companies in Bangka Belitung for employee management program through psychology-tests.

Website: www.kooyla.com

3 Inovator Terbaik di Econovation 2021

Shaany Collagen Drink

Shaany merupakan start-up yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan limbah sisik ikan menjadi produk kolagen. Saat ini Shaany sedang fokus mengembangkan minuman kolagen yang dipadukan dengan ekstrak buah. Dalam proses produksinya, Shaany memberdayakan petani lokal dan ibu rumah tangga yang berasal dari keluarga tidak mampu. Shaany memiliki 4 rasa minuman kolagen: cokelat, talas, teh hijau, dan cascara. Siti Nur Seha, CEO Shaany Collagen Drink bersama tim all-women-nya, menjual produknya secara lokal di Probolinggo, maupun melalui saluran online (media sosial) dan melalui pameran.

Instagram Account: @shaany.id

Yant Sorghum

Yant Sorghum merupakan suatu platform dalam pengembangan tanaman sorghum yang menggunakan konsep korporasi petani dimana model bisnis ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani dan Yant Sorghum berharap dapat memberikan nilai tambah bagi produk pertanian, dan meningkatkan nilai tawar produk dipasar. Ibu Yanti bersama tim nya di Yant Sorghum Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, membina dan bermitra dengan 200 petani sorghum dan menggarap 50 Ha lahan pertanian dan menghadirkan produk-produk nutrisi sehat untuk keluarga Indonesia.

Instagram Account: @yantsorghum


Saat pandemi, banyak siswa tidak bisa mendapatkan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Di penjuru Indonesia, ada 48 ribu sekolah (sekitar 10% dari total seluruh sekolah di Indonesia) yang tidak memiliki internet yang bagus. Untuk itu Edubox mengembangkan solusi untuk sekolah yang berada di daerah minim internet. Dengan Edubox, Guru dan siswa bisa belajar tanpa internet. Guru bisa mengunggah materi belajar dan penilaian di Edubox dan siswa bisa mengaksesnya tanpa internet. Dengan menggunakan Edubox, Siswa bisa mendapatkan pembelajaran setiap hari dan orang tua juga tidak perlu pusing lagi dengan biaya kuota internet. Edubox mempunyai mimpi untuk bisa membawa solusi ini ke seluruh Indonesia, utamanya di daerah 3T. Agar pendidikan bisa diakses oleh semua orang dan tidak ada lagi anak putus sekolah karena tidak bisa mengikuti PJJ.

Website: edubox.id

Investasi di sektor Pangan, Kesehatan berbasis komunitas dan Pendidikan

Ketika kamu berinvestasi, kamu membeli satu hari di mana kamu tidak perlu bekerja.

Tertarik untuk berinvestasi pada bisnis yang memberikan dampak bagi perekonomian dan sosial di Indonesia? Mari berinvestasi dan berkolaborasi bersama top 15 finalis Econovation 2021.

Kamu memiliki kesempatan untuk berinvestasi pada 3 sektor bisnis sekaligus yaitu pangan, pendidikan, dan kesehatan, yang pastinya dapat membangun kembali dengan lebih baik perekonomian di Indonesia loh!


April - Mei
Publikasi dan Registrasi
10 Mei 2021
Roadshow 1 (Virtual Event)

Roadshow virtual dengan tema “Menggali Inovasi Bisnis Bidang Kesehatan, Pangan, dan Pendidikan”. Tonton live youtubenya di EcoNusa TV

25 Mei 2021
Roadshow 2 (Virtual Event)

Roadshow virtual dengan tema “Inovasi Solutif Bagi Sektor Usaha pendidikan dan Kesehatan”. Tonton live youtubenya di EcoNusa TV

2 Juni 2021
Roadshow 3 (Virtual Event)

Roadshow virtual dengan tema “Tumbuhkan Inovator Muda Pada Usaha Pangan dan Kesehatan di Indonesia”. 

9 Juni 2021
Roadshow 4 (Virtual Event)

Roadshow virtual dengan tema “Bangkitkan Inovasi Bisnis Sektor Pangan dan Pendidikan Indonesia”. 

16 Juni 2021
Roadshow 5 (Virtual Event)

16 Juni 2021

23 Juni 2021
On Going
Roadshow 6 (Virtual Event)

23 Juni 2021

30 Juni 2021
Deadline Pendaftaran​

30 Juni 2021

1-22 Juli 2021
Penyaringan & Seleksi Top 15
Seleksi seluruh proposal yang masuk untuk penyaringan berdasarkan kesesuaian kriteria dan penjurian dengan Online Presentation Pitch untuk memilih Top 15.
September 2021
Business Matching​, Mentoring, and Awarding Night

Top 15 proposal akan dipertemukan dengan investor potensial untuk pengembangan ide bisnis.

Top 15 proposal mengikuti Mentoring untuk penajaman ide bisnis.

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