Gadri Ramadhan Attamimi is known as Gadri. Born and raised in Ambon, Maluku Islands, he graduated from a Masters in Bogor Agricultural University, Faculty of Human Ecology, concentrating on Gadri studies in Coastal Communities, especially fishermen. Gadri’s career began as a volunteer at the Sahabat Pulau Foundation and was active in youth organizations such as HMI, Young Indonesia Forum (FIM), HIMAPIKANI, and FoPMI (Indonesian Student Diving Forum).
Gadri’s experience in the program of the Ministry of Youth for Sports KPN (Kapal Pemuda Nusantara) as a Program Coordinator, Researcher at PPLH-IPB and the SDI Survey Institute (Sinergi Data Indonesia), as well as Supervisor at the Marine and Fisheries Resources Monitoring Station, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), brought Gadri to joined the EcoNusa Foundation. Formerly Gadri is Ocean Program Staff, as Coordinator of Advocacy and Marine Policy for the EcoNusa Foundation. Now Gadri served as Maluku Archipelago Regional Coordinator.