Natural Wealth and Development Challenges in Papua and Maluku

Eastern Indonesia, particularly Papua and Maluku, boasts abundant natural wealth. Papua is renowned for its dense forests and rich mining potential, including copper, gold, and
Mobilizing Local Initiatives for Environmental Sustainability

On July 21, 2017, EcoNusa Foundation was established with a noble purpose: to elevate local initiatives in Indonesia to national and international levels. EcoNusa focuses
Bustar Maitar: Indigenous Peoples are the Frontliner of Nature Protection

“Nature serves as a ‘mother’ who provides us all sources of life and must be protected,” is a fundamental life value owned and upheld by
35 Indonesian Youths Prepared for Being Green Diplomat

Despite the country’s attribute for its ample biodiversity, empirically Indonesia’s nature is under threats of climate crisis and business practices that are not sustainable, exploitative,
Potency of Indonesian Tuna and Huhate Fishers’ Fate

As a maritime country with abundant sea potency, Indonesia is deemed the largest producer of tuna with big opportunity to lead the global market of
Exigency of Youth Mobilization to Save Our Ocean

Young generation is labelled as critical, creative, and technology-savvy generation. With these strongpoints, young generation is expected to become a future excellent leader who could
Tale of Nutmeg Part 2: Customary Sasi and Money Tree in Kaimana

Nutmeg still becomes one of the most prominent Indonesian commodities including Kaimana Regency in West Papua. The priceless selling point has made Kaimana people plant
Tale of Nutmeg Part 1: From European Spices Persuers to Conservation Plant

Nutmeg warehouse in Air Merah in Bantemi Village is one of the six largest warehouses for nutmegs in Kaimana Regency, West Papua Province. A pile
Fisheries Management Inclusivism and Sustainability in Indonesia Blue Economy

Blue Economy highlights the systematic innovation, technology, and optimum utilization to uphold added values of fisheries product. This could happen by creating policy at upstream
Story of #RasaTimur, Glancing at Biodiversity Potentials in Eastern Indonesia

Man is an entity which is part of nature and the existing biodiversity. Human life depends and never separates from the existence of biodiversity. Considering
STS Morekau Closing, Sharing Session for Village Development

Saka Mese Nusa Social Transformation School (STS) held in Morekau Village, Seram Bagian Barat Regency, on 8-25 February 2021 was concluded this month. The closing
Menke Womom, Imminence Proof of Abun Tribe and Oceans God

As to Abun Tribe, leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) is deemed the significant Oceans God that need preservation. The existence of the fauna is believed to
Illegal Fishing Practice Still Rampant in Indonesian Oceans

Illegal Unreported Unregulated (IUU) Fishing remains rampant in the Indonesian ocean border. This is due partly to incoming illegal foreign vessels to Indonesian sea territory despite the oversight.
Indigenous People Applies Local Wisdom in Marine Resource Management

Indigenous peoples have strong ties with their environment. Through local wisdom, they try to protect and sustain the potential resources in their area. Considering the
Many Ways to Disseminate Fascination of Eastern Indonesia

Eastern Indonesia is not merely natural resource rich regions. Their culture is diverse. There are many stories from Tanah Papua, Maluku Island, and Sulawesi we
Efforts in Handling Plastic Waste in Maluku and Papua

Plastic waste discarded to the oceans are not only damaging the environment, but also harmful to human life. A research conducted by Manullang (2021) reported
Building Sense of East with Heart

Getting underway the 2022, I am impressed with what Sorong Regent, Johny Kamuru, said in the EcoNusa Outlook 2022 on 10 February in Jakarta. He
EcoNusa Outlook 2022: Significance of Building People’s Sovereignty in Eastern Indonesia

Yuliance Zanggonau shares her experiences in assisting people in Arguni Bawah District, Papua, in theEcoNusa Outlook 2022. (EcoNusa/David Herman Jaya) Tanah Papua and Maluku Island