
Field Work Practice Students at the EcoNusa Manokwari Office

These nine students whose doing Field Work Practice were consisted of 8 people from the UNIPA campus (Papua University) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Biology Study Program and 1 person from the President University Faculty of Humanities International Relations Study Program. The field work practice program were conducted for one month from 16 January to 16 February 2023.

Activities during this field work practice program were: Conducting research in the Crown Jewel Papua (CJP) area, waste audit with the Manokwari EcoDefender team, land teritory mapping training, participating in congregational meetings on Lemon Island, taking part in Scoping STS Wasyor Teluk Wondama Regency Together with the EcoNusa team as well as participated in the Socio-cultural Research in Tambrauw Regency with EcoNusa staff.

The activities above were attended by all participants, except for the STS Wasyor Scoping activity which was attended by one participant and socio-cultural research activities in Tambrauw. The rest of the participants who did not take part in scoping STs and socio-cultural research attended the congregational meeting on Lemon Island.

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