Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Want to know how indigenous peoples in the forests, on the coast and islands in Tanah Papua maintain their food availability during the Covid-19 pandemic?
Come join the Online Discussion Series that the EcoNusa Foundation is holding with the theme “Peel Completed Food Security of Indigenous Peoples of the Land of Papua in the Pandemic Period” on:
?️ Wednesday, April 29, 2020
⏰ 16.00 WIB I 18.00 WIT
?: ZOOM & Youtube (Econusa TV)
By inviting 3 speakers, namely:
1. Charles Toto, Founder of Papua Jungle Chef.
2. Daawia Suhasiswa, M.Sc, Biology Department Lecturer & Faculty of Mathematics and Science.
3. Feki Yance Wilson Mobalen, AMAN West Papua.
Moderated by Oktria R Kawegian, Socmed Community & Influencer Expertise.
Don’t miss it!
Registration can be done via the link above.