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Tanah Papua and Maluku Island
Lost Their Rainforests Equivalent to
2 Soccer-Field Size Everyday

We must start #DefendingParadise now. Our Irreplaceable Forests and Ocean, and Indigenous People's Rights in Eastern Indonesia are in Jeopardy!

Friends, your support is needed more than ever now. Together with indigenous people, Cornell Lab Ornithology, and other stakeholders, EcoNusa are fighting for the preservation of forest and marine ecosystems in Eastern Indonesia. This struggle cannot be separated from local wisdom and community traditions.

Losing the forest and marine ecosystems of Papua and Maluku will affect life on a local and global scale. Therefore, let’s join more than 2,000 supporters who have contributed their voices to support the #DefendingParadise campaign for Eastern Indonesia, for the sake of our country and planet! Simply leave your name, email and tell us your reason for supporting #DefendingParadise.

Your messages will be curated by the #DefendingParadise team prior to publication. Make sure your messages do not contain racial, ethnic, and religious discrimination, or hate speech for any group. 

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Your email address can be a valid support for forest protection. Fill in your e-mail address to follow the #DefendingParadise campaign further!
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EcoNusa Foundation
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